Full Publications

indicates equal contribution, indicates members of the research group I lead.
[arXiv] "Edge Graph Intelligence: Reciprocally Empowering Edge Networks with Graph Intelligence".Under review.
[ICPP'24] "Pluto and Charon: A Time and Memory Efficient Collaborative Edge AI Framework for Personal LLMs Fine-Tuning".In International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2024.
[IEEE WCM'24] "Implementation of Big AI Models for Wireless Networks with Collaborative Edge Computing".In IEEE Wireless Communications (IEEE WCM), 2024.
[INFOCOM'24] "Galaxy: A Resource-Efficient Collaborative Edge AI System for In-situ Transformer Inference".In IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2024.
[MobiCom'24] "Asteroid: Resource-Efficient Hybrid Pipeline Parallelism for Collaborative DNN Training on Heterogeneous Edge Devices".In Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom), 2024.
[DATE'24] "Communication-Efficient Model Parallelism for Distributed In-situ Transformer Inference".In Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2024.
[ICPP'22] "Eco-FL: Adaptive Federated Learning with Efficient Edge Collaborative Pipeline Training".In International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2022.