Galaxy: A Resource-Efficient Collaborative Edge AI System for In-situ Transformer Inference

Shengyuan Ye
Shengyuan Ye
Ph.D. student at SMCLab

He is a Ph.D. student at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University. His research interests include Resource-efficient AI Systems and Applications with Mobile AI.

Jiangsu Du
Jiangsu Du
PostDoc, Sun Yat-sen University

He obtained Ph.D. degree at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University. He is now a PostDoc at the Sun Yat-sen University, working on High Performance Computing, and Distributed Artificial Intelligence System.

Liekang Zeng
Liekang Zeng
Ph.D., SMCLab, Sun Yat-sen University

He obtained Ph.D. degree at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University. His research interest lies in building edge intelligence systems with real-time responsiveness, systematic resource efficiency, and theoretical performance guarantee.

Xiaowen Chu
Xiaowen Chu
Professor, HKUST(GZ)
Acting Head, Data Science and Analytics Thrust

Dr. Chu is currently a Professor at the Data Science and Analytics Thrust, Information Hub of HKUST(GZ), and an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST. His current research interests include GPU Computing, Distributed Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and Wireless Networks. He is especially interested in the modelling, parallel algorithm design, application optimization, and energy efficiency of GPU computing.

Xu Chen
Xu Chen
Professor and Assistant Dean, Sun Yat-sen University
Director, Institute of Advanced Networking & Computing Systems

Xu Chen is a Full Professor with Sun Yat-sen University, Director of Institute of Advanced Networking and Computing Systems (IANCS), and the Vice Director of National Engineering Research Laboratory of Digital Homes. His research interest includes edge computing and cloud computing, federated learning, cloud-native intelligent robots, distributed artificial intelligence, intelligent big data analysis, and computing power network.