📰 News: The paper "PAC" have been accepted by ICPP 2024. Congratulations to all authors!

June 11, 2024 · Brandonye

📰 News: One paper on efficient LLMs training with collaborative edge computing have been accepted by IEEE WCM 2024. Congratulations to all authors!

April 11, 2024 · Brandonye

🏆 News: Awarded the INFOCOM 2024 Student Travel Grant by IEEE Communications Society!

March 30, 2024 · Brandonye

📰 News: The paper "Galaxy" have been accepted by INFOCOM 2024. Congratulations to all authors!

December 1, 2023 · Brandonye

📰 News: The paper "Asteroid" have been accepted by MobiCom 2024. Congratulations to all authors!

November 22, 2023 · Brandonye

📰 News: The paper "DeTransformer" have been accepted by DATE 2024. Congratulations to all authors!

November 12, 2023 · Brandonye

📰 News: The paper "Eco-FL" have been accepted by ICPP 2022. Congratulations to all authors!

June 30, 2022 · Brandonye

🚩 News: Started my Computer Science Ph.D at Sun Yat-sen University

September 1, 2021 · Brandonye

🚩 News: Started a backend engineer intern in Tencent WXG

June 21, 2021 · Brandonye

🚩 News: Started a backend engineer intern in Tencent PCG

April 9, 2020 · Brandonye